Monday, September 14, 2009

fixing my house and such things like this

Hello! So for the last few weeks, I have been busy just trying to make my house a home. Getting rid of things the previous volunteer left behind, painting, cleaning, etc. My friends and I painted my kitchen a bright green and my bedroom a bright blue. In Ghana, it is all about the bright colors. Actually in some of the native languages, they only have names for the four primary colors-blue, green, red, and yellow. The literal translation for the word yellow is "chicken fat." Hmm...interesting that they would choose that rather than say the sun? ha. My friends and I discussed the meaning of colors a bit. Red is used to symbolize both danger and love (makes some sense since love can be dangerous, yes? ha) . Green is fertility and blue means the dawn. Red and black are the colors worn during funerals. Red in this context is used to symoblize warning. But since death happens so frequently and without any previous indication, I guess the warning is not necessarily to use mosquito nets, eat better, wear condoms, don't work yourself to death, but perhaps to take care of your soul and whatnot.
So I love my new rooms. I feel so much better just living in my house now. It is beginning to feel like my own. I also feel a bit guilty for having the things I do- a propane stove, kitchen supplies, paint, a nice bed, a desk, etc, since there is just so much poverty. To care about and make our living conditions aesthetically pleasing is truly a luxury of industrial countries. I also recognize that if I do not make myself comfortable and do what I need to do to cope and be able to last here, then I will be worthless. One aspect about the PC that I do appreciate is their emphasis on doing things and establishing patterns that will make us happy and feel most like ourselves.
I have been cooking quite a bit. It still takes forever and it is quite an effort, but it is also one of those few things that make me feel in control of my health and who I am. I found a cute puppy of the cutest I have seen so perhaps it will be a welcome addition to my home. :D
I have been making friends and having a good time! Hope to write more later. Only have a minute left....

1 comment:

  1. It's so true-- some people are directly affected by their surroundings. I become depressed in a cluttered, poorly decorated living situation. You are right to give yourself the support you need to remain happy.
